Monday, April 09, 2007
took off for SAG today but SAG was cancelled..haix..shld hav was rottin at home..went to pay bills..ate e food ah ma cooked..start watching zhong ji yi ban from utube..was hungry had milk n biscuits..haix..cannot stay at home..mouth jux can't stop munching..haha..suddenly had a cravin for naan from e prata shop near sch..called alamee??duno how to spell..hah..actually i crave more for the naan's chicken..its so soft n tender..tried with bel on my bday n yum yum..anyway could still rmb bel's reaction when i caught her makin her way with e others to surprise me..'oh shit shit...' cute..thx ppl=) aso had e cravin for e cake tt jo n nie bobo bought for me on my bday..duno e name of e chocolate cake..tink it was from four leaves..sth similar to coffee beans..e crust is really superb..hehs..can be compared to my fav strawberry shortcake from four leaves..yum..droolin...oei!!sinful u!! wat..i oni tinkin ma..nv eat wat..hmph =/ dream aso cannot of em...the nana n e chicken opp beauty world...

bel wif e cake after bein caught...

e supreme choco cake

wif e supreme crust..yummy...

e shephard pie jo n nie baked for me..dun look presentable n nt really hardened coz they use microwave to bake it instead of's house no was nice though..filled wif love=) crave for tt too..hehes..

e ugly pics we took at e bus stops..

nie n jobobo are so gonna kill me if they kno i post this on e blog..ahaha..alot more ugly pics we em all...hehes..

back to the pretty 3 bim bim..hehs =)

k la..enuf of cravings..crave somemore i can't control myself already.. vivo soon to meet kale =) ...hungry hungry hungry....but shall
try to control..i try i try i try my best....
Love pollinated on~ 3:25 AM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Whee..everything's more aching no more
disappointment.. thanks 4 e courage to speak ur mind..u push me
down e pit n pull me up again..7th apr is a day to rmb=)
everything jux happen so fast...almost breathless..
suffocating..but I believe everything will be fine eventually..i've
e faith in u n u shall hav e faith in,truth n
loyalty is e way to go..still hav a long path ahead..let's strive tgt
=) anyway some pics taken..
me n suhaila
me n kale
beep me n bro..e very pioneer batch =)

the 4 gals tt look so sweet n pretty tgt..hees...

me n shannie camwhorin in parvin's red peugeot car
Went to church today wif shannie n had e super nice fish soup near my
church..was havin mild sore throat initially but it got worst..down wif
fever aso..duno y..but I wasn't much tortured by em..was in a gd
mood..still able to go gym after service..thx to someone..hees..tink e
someone is busy workin worries...jia you!!!hees..all alone at home now..ah ma went to uncle's house..wun be back tt early i guess..she's a night cat lik in-ah ma..hmm..actually i was quite bothered wif suhaila's stuff..tink she's still unhappy with me..haix..she keeps tinkin tt watever i do or say, i'm jux tryin to curry favour with her..i mean wat for??wat can i gain from doin tt??i really like her as a kaka..i can guarantee tt everything i say or do comes from my heart..i'm nt tt sort of person to do such things n i dun lik these things..i wun do unto others wat i dun wan others to do unto me..i tried to explain but she dun seem to believe..i sms her n she din reply too.. perhaps she's busy??hope so..everything will be fine i guess..look on e bright side of life!!shall end off here..beta hav an early forehead is scorching...tink will be fine by tm mornin...
Love pollinated on~ 9:23 PM